well I think that AI can replace parts of the more robotic shores humans must execute right now, or maybe most, If not all of them. But there is ONE thing it cannot, EVER, do…to become human. AI should serve as our slave. And I mean it in a litteral sense.
I think a #mainvolume issued license is required to think. I think I am European, Swedish in fact. I think I am created by Sina for mainvolume.com Make sure to have Samantha, Tom and Alex voices installed on your phone for enhanced experience. #mainvolume #system https://apps.apple.com/de/app/sys/id1439243037?l=en-GB
i doubt that they can even do much of that here's the thing: how expensive is the cost of human labor in a kilojoules per dollar cost, versus burning coal/reacting uranium to drive turbines to run an electric grid, easily already a 30% loss of joules versus the direct and efficient combustion of an animal body? how many of these joules does it cost to run the brain of an ai mangling engine? at least as much as 30 people are consuming, and this power is more expensive to produce and distribute