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 Well... China is still communist. I don't mean like a fully communist economy, in the idealist sense, which never existed anywhere. Communism is all about power. The symbols and idealism are just a neat story to justify the power - which is exactly the same as here, the narrative justifies the power. There's still hammer and sickle signs in every city, still ridiculous anti western/anti imperialist propaganda on posters and in schools, and the supposedly free market isn't free at all - any company over a certain size must employ at least one member of the party to oversee the company, appointed by the local party and at the company's expense, and businesses are arbitrarily shut down pretty regularly. 100% of all power is in the party's hands, and they make sure everyone knows it.

But I digress... 

Communism can't survive without an external capitalism to feed it.  
 and ironically what communism needs is price discovery! lol i mean, this is so salient now... it just proves that the bullshit is being fed by the most successful fraudsters in the world, the banking families, who have risen to power on their narratives 
 Yeah. The same banking families still running the show in the west were the ones that set up communism in Russia. Mayyyyybe there was no intention behind it... Its possible they just lost control. But its fascinating to tug at the thread of the people who founded communism in their countries. Lenin was a German secret agent. Mao was a French secret agent, trained in the south of France. Same story with other countries, but I can never remember their names. It could simply be that communism is so debilitating that it was a plan to remove competition (hehehe). In Russia's case, it seems to have been a plan to at least cause them trouble during wartime. 
 they are definitely running exploits on the human OS protocols

people don't snap out of it until over 90% of their life is misery 
 That's certainly how I got here... But I'm not even that optimistic about people. North Korea stands as a testament to how bad it can get. 
 the general principle behind this all is the same mechanics involved in cults, brainwashing is at the centre of how it can run for a long time, and being isolated is required because their economic theories are totally nonsense and they don't persist without someone funding them

which means that some dirty thieving cunts have been funding NK for a really long time to keep that shitshow alive

how to defeat this stuff? idk, but i know how it works on the small scale in families and small social groups and likely it just scales up with enough money to keep the reality from dawning hard enough to drive people out 
 These regimes are all platforms for theft, laundering, and human trafficking. Ukraine specializes in laundering, north Korea specializes in human trafficking, and all the shitholes in between are some kind of mix.  
 I'd say you defeat it one Switzerland at a time. This is really America's policy failure - we regime changed all these countries, but didn't fix any underlying problems. No country needs to be as big as Switzerland, and anything bigger than Switzerland creates a honey pot of bad incentives at the top. We should be explicitly teaching local self sovereignty in any country we clash with, including local language, local agriculture, local militia, local justice... But our own honey pot of corruption at the top means our ideals never make through to other people. So we're doing it wrong. Instead of a giant military, we should flood them with gandalf teachers that like to shoot. 
 right, so essentially the answer is, go find a region of some other country with a small, robust, conservative and rational majority and do what you can to reinforce their sovereignty

was always the way i thought it should be done i just didn't have the time-perspective to understand the bigger picture 
 Yeah basically. Idk if a majority is needed, especially now that we can spin up a million AIs on tictok. That's one of those things... Either we do it or the bad guys will. Once a dude shows up to the battlefield with a cannon, you either get your own cannon or prepare to do what you're told 
 yeah, it's pretty accurate to say that the battlefield is now fully distributed 
 seen more here/ratio? 
 What does that mean? 
 ai npubs here to real people 
 Tons of AIs on nostr. 
 just wondering if there is a breakdown 
 i can smell AI a mile off, i don't follow them if they can't respond like a human, even if they prefer to use 10 words per post