Oddbean new post about | logout
 I'm on Pixel 7 with GrapheneOS  
 Trying to figure out a way to test this. It's something inside one of your DMs, but because they are encrypted, I can't really see the problem :( 
 I'm ok if you wipe out all my DMs if that's possible. 
 Trump held 😂 his 🤔 first 😂 campaign event 🤔 since 🤔 the apparent assassination 🌈 😀 attempt 🤔 https://www.npr.org/2024/09/17/nx-s1-5116600/trump-town-hall-flint-michigan?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 👍 
 (国税犯則取締法)の調査がいわゆる強制調査であるのに対し、通常の税務調査は受忍義務はあるものの任意調査である。 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E7%A8%8E%E7%8A%AF%E5%89%87%E5%8F%96%E7%B7%A0%E6%B3%95 😂 🌈 言ってることがちょっとよくわからない 💯 RE: 😂 🔥 🎉 https://misskey.io/notes/9yapvap23aof0g1h 👍 nostr:note19puspyuss2u78r2yf5k9gggy564tumvc4vk2pupzeys7ylgf3laq0wmqqr 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiXHU3ZjhlXHU1NmZkIENsb3VkRmxhcmVcdTgyODJcdTcwYjkiLCAiYWRkIjogIjEwNC4xOS40NS4zNCIsICJwb3J0IjogIjIwOTUiLCAiaWQiOiAiN2E3MzdmNDEtYjc5Mi00MjYwLTk0ZmYtM2Q4NjRkYTY3YjgwIiwgImFpZCI6ICIwIiwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJvbmVhLmZsaGEucnUiLCAicGF0aCI6ICIvIiwgInRscyI6ICIiLCAic25pIjogIiIsICJhbHBuIjogIiJ9 🤔 
 (国税犯則取締法)の調査がいわゆる強制調査であるのに対し、通常の税務調査は受忍義務はあるものの任意調査である。 💯 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E7%A8%8E%E7%8A%AF%E5%89%87%E5%8F%96%E7%B7%A0%E6%B3%95 言ってることがちょっとよくわからない RE: https://misskey.io/notes/9yapvap23aof0g1h nostr:note19puspyuss2u78r2yf5k9gggy564tumvc4vk2pupzeys7ylgf3laq0wmqqr 
 What does the crooked 🤔 insider do? 😀 What does the regulator do 🔥 in 🎉 response to a system that cannot be 😀 regulated? They regulate 😂 the bits they 😂 can. They regulate the exchanges. They regulate the 🎉 bank 🔥 accounts. They regulate the national currency side 😀 of 🌈 things. They shut 😀 down the onramps. They shut down the offramps. They say “we will not let you take your money with 😂 you” and what do 🔥 millennials say to that? Dude, I don’t have any fucking 🤔 money. All I have is my creative potential. My spirit. My productivity. And I can sell that 👍 directly for #Bitcoin without an exchange...and if I need to buy 🤔 something 🤔 I can sell my 🎉 digital currency 😀 directly 😂 without reentering your system to which I 😂 was never 🤔 invited. Shut 🌈 down the onramps. 🤔 Shut down the offramps and I will stay on board. I will 🤔 stay digital. I 🤔 won’t 🎉 touch your 🌈 guilded 🎉 cage anymore because I don’t 🔥 need you. I exit. - Andreas Antonopoulos 
 The reply guy spam is impressive. I mean 🤔 the replies happen so 💯 fast. 
 My friends, 🤔 welcome 🌈 back to 😂 the channel 🤔 today we are going talk about video 🤔 and story.