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Why is Shamir sharding not doable on coldcards? 
 As a layman, is that what the math trick that enabled the highly unpopular Ledger wotyemehcallit service? 
 I don't believe so. They exfiltrated data. If I'm not retarded, you can do it on device.  
 🤷🏼‍♂️ Okay 
 Believe Keystone signer does this on BTC only firmware. Ben Perrin has some old vids about it before he exclusively shilled coinkite 
 They went with XOR. Any specific reason to choose shamir? 
 More shards.  
 We invented SeedXOR because SSS is complex, needs computers to recover and no adoption. if you want M of N just multisig. 
 Or use a passphrase if multisig doesn’t fit your needs and 2 of 2 does it for you. Offers similar security with a fat enough passphrase. (Agree or disagree, @NVK ?) 
 "Needs computer"
Because ESP32 is too limited? 
 Opposite. SeedXOR can be done with pen and paper, no electronics involu 
 ooooooo. no one wants to do linear algebra by hand anymore. lol. 

very left curve friendly. 🤝 
 Who "invented SeedXOR" specifically? 
 Is this a leading question?