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 UK Tories, like US Republicans, are gerrymandering voting rights to retain power:

Following the introduction of voter ID in the UK, research has revealed that there are "a disproportionate number of people being turned away from polling stations in more deprived areas compared with affluent places. Young people, those from ethnic minorities, the unemployed and people with significant disabilities were all more likely than the average voter to cite lack of ID as their reason for not having cast a ballot... The demographic segments most affected tend also to support Labour, giving the Tories a partisan incentive to depress turnout." (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/13/the-guardian-view-on-voter-id-and-turnout-critics-were-right-about-this-cynical-manoeuvre)

But anyone who has looked at voting in detail - not just the media/right-wing obsessions with seats and swing - will know that turnout is generally the key to left electoral victories.  Right-wing politicians (Tories and Republicans) obviously know this.  Do the left?