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This is a general survey.

But we know that people in general are retarded.

Did they ask this of high performing and intelligent people?

I imagine there would be some overlap but not all. 
 What would you answer? 
 I’m not dying 
 “We're all dying. That's what defines the condition of living."

- Winston Churchill 
 High performing people would definitely say I wish I hadn’t worked so hard and spent more time with family 
Your soul is eternal, you are a child of God. 
Those who know the Lord Jesus Christ live together with God. 
Run your race - and look forward to the New Earth.  
 GM deep stuff 
 GM! 💜 
 Gm 🙌 
    [A]t the end of their life people might be increasingly motivated to make this end appear as positive as possible and to believe that they have lived an overall meaningful life. Against this background, we speculate that at the end of their lives, people regret less than before.

    Taken together, there is theoretical as well as empirical evidence that when the end of one’s life nears, people are motivated to believe that the things they could potentially regret are “too few to mention,” as Frank Sinatra put it in his song “My Way.”

 Great reminders to set oneself 
 GM☕️☕️💜🌅🧐Begin with the end in mind help. Better late than never. 
 Is this a opinion of a professor or the outcome of a widspread questionnary? 
 I wish I had told my family how much I loved them 
Bitcoin doesn't fix that. It can be a vehicle to help you do much more than you could have done without it. But, for example happiness is optional. That's on all of us to make the small choices. A life well lived, is optional.  
 GM 🫂☕ 
 i like this reminder. currently i'm trying to reconcile number 1 with two, three, four and five. might not be feasible for everyone. so, i guess i'm sticking with number one until further notice is what i'm trying to say. thanjs max  
 Bullseye 😁 
 gm sir 
 Remember that you're not really living your life in expectation of the day that you die. Why then should some hypothetical "deathbed regrets" be any more meaningful than any other regrets? 
 I'm Fr Obinna S. A diagnosed with cancer, it’s hard to know what to say or do. Sadly, is shocking, and heartbreaking. My days are numbered said doctors. Until my last breath, Jesus Christ is the Lord 👑 

Jesus said if thy eye be single your whole body should be full of light 
 Yea I’m struggling with those thoughts too 
 If thirty years from now, dying carers were to write a book and ask the same question again, there might be a common sixth answer:

6. I wish I had started stacking bitcoin sooner. 
 You won’t care about Bitcoin unless you are really attached here 
 GM-thanks for sharing👍 
 Nice reminder if you're working for a pay check: Always put your family and your mates ahead of your boss. 
 6. I wish I fought harded. 
 Everyone should read life after life by Dr. Raymond Moody Jr. 
 I wish I would have sold by ETH at 0.09BTC instead of shitposting meme about it and not solding any of it.