I hope BTC succeeds. I hope the 4 year cycles still matter. Wow would I have egg on my face if this thing fails. Yikes. 😱 What is the term that fags use? “Butterflies in their tummies”. I have butterflies I think.
JFC man ! Pull yourself together 😂
Stay the course “o ye of the wise beans”🤨😂🚀🚀🌅
I’m literally in this BTC thing since 2017 to say these words loudly to many people: “I FUCKIN TOLD YOU SO YOU DUMB CUNT MOTHAFUCKIN IDIOT”. We’re not there yet. And that brings me pain.
Stay the course young Skywalker…the BTC force is strong in u and ur sometimes retarded narrative😂🤣🙌🏽👊🏽🌅 https://m.primal.net/KipK.jpg
Warrior bloods need battles. I need a new battle. https://image.nostr.build/ffc034b134cc456b78879aa1bef2bc641fb29d784a9f3c88810843f612367d69.jpg
It seems to me I have a gift for finding battles😳🤣🤣 https://m.primal.net/LKHf.png
Battles sometimes find me too. I’m working on that.
😳that was ackshully a typo…I typed “it seems to me u have a gift for finding battles” and it autocorrected🤣🤣🤣…makes me sound like a badass tho…so I’ll take it🐸 https://m.primal.net/KwBZ.jpg