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Tyranny by your guy is unacceptable. 

Tyranny by my guy is ok. 
 Too simplistic. 
 "Ok"? It's not "ok", it's absolutely essential. 
 dissonance is every direction 
 Seems to be that way 
 Politics is stupid and pointless. 
 🎯 Akin to— My violence is better than your violence. 
 "For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law."

Unfortunately politics is all about power. We either wrest it from the sociopaths and use it against the sociopaths or they will do so us. 
 Being brain washed is sad!  Globally there is a brain washing going on.

Not just in the us, but in the world there is a move for one world gov.  And a global forced minimum wealth tax.  

If that happens, there is no where to escape to and we will all get poor together.  Roosevelt outlawed the private ownership of gold.

That must be soundly crushed. 
 Exactly. How does that make any democracy possible? The only democracy I recognize is that you have a right to leave if you don't like it here. But after you have left, I will still keep checks on how much you multiply or progress to make sure you do not grow into a threat to me.
This is perfectly democratic, tolerant and virtuous to me. 
 bc0s we let the fish hat vampire globali$t & fish head psych0$ 2 call the $h0ts.

 Yes, it’s the friend-enemy distinction. 
 But the “majority” voted our guy in…… 
 Just voting for the guy marginally less warmonger-ish. Then crossing my fingers, hoping he doesn't start a war. 
 Democracy rather