Oddbean new post about | logout
 Can I download it through fdroid or obtanium? Dont got the playstore on my device 
 It's not open source yet. Supposedly, it will be at the end of the year.  
 They already "opened sourced" everything back in March or April. 

Keet is Bitfinex's UI for pear and holepunch, which will probably never be open sourced

(Pear and Holepunch are FOSS) 
 They announced that they would open source it on a recent podcast. 
 Share link please  

prob refering to that? but that is what i was refering to in my last reply

you should use keet more, the ln room is very active 
 i hope not and it doesnt seem likely given all of their statements and history of open source to keep that small bit of code closed

paolo(bitfinex) in a very recent podcast said its very easy to build the ui and he expects many many other keet uis 
 Thanks for letting me know  
 its 99% open source from mafintosh the founder and the rest will be after beta which at a guess is next year 
 very soon, they will release a apk which downloads and updates keet via p2p as is already on desktop