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 I see both sides making convincing arguments why they have claim to the land.  Can we verify this? Is one side lying and the other side telling the truth? Looking at the history of the land is one thing but how do we solve the current issue now?  Is there a solution where both groups will be content? If history trumps all then the American Indians deserve to have their land back. 
 The Indian tribe that had it when the US took it, or the tribe THEY took it from?  How far do you go back? 
You can’t go by who was on the land first.  Land/boundaries constantly evolve.    How hypocritical to tell Palestinians, Israelis were here first yet in the US, as you said, Native Americans bet the short end of the stick.  So while I have been taught that if Arab countries accepted the 1948 borders, we wouldn’t be in this situation.   But they didn’t and here we are.  If we allow Putin to take Crimea, Ossetian, etc., should we really be giving thought to giving the land back from the 1948 and Yom Kippur Wars?   

All I known is it is incredibly complicated and a lot of bad actors are involved on both sides.