Oddbean new post about | logout
 Grow up and give it a rest with your moral equivalency. We've already had a taste of trump. We had lower crime, lower taxes,ore jobs and no new wars. It wasnt rednecks burning down cities. 

There is, in fact, a side to blame for the current state of things... And they've been in power for 12 of the last 16 years.  
 Best profile pic on nostr 😂😂 
 this post comes from someone who lacks perspective. They're jaded by what they see, but lack the experience to see how far outside the norm we are. 

If age was on your side and you understood world events, you would understand that this isn't politics as usual. Communism has one foot in the door.  
 you complain about packing the supreme court and trump appointed 3 justices and conservatives have a 6-3 majority.  then you claim Dems have been president for 12 of the last 16 which is true but how about pointing out that it's been each party in power for 12 of the last 24 years? the period from 2000-2008 slip your mind? your posts lack objectivity.  it's a bad look for you....too much simping. ( and yes  for the record I agree with you the Democrats stink.) 
 I just cant even take you seriously. 
Are you a deviant and/or a socialist?
You say you agree “the democrats stink” but you have statistics to back your democrat comrades. 
What excuse do you have to justify the fucking chaos we’ve endured the last 3.5 years? 
 So apparently not blaming everything on democrats and not acting if the GOP is perfect makes me a communist.  Got it. 
 Yeah Maybe a pedo too. 
 Maybe you’re on epstiens client list and you’re being forced? 
Im trying to think of a better reason…
Help me. 
 You are objectively an idiot. A pseudo-intellectial that lacks any real understanding of the current state of affairs. it's not entirely your fault. You lack context and reference point of sanity. 

I remember 2000-2008 very well.  I was an adult then too. Judging by your luke-warm stance and need to be morally equivalent, I'd say you are in your early 20's and unmarried. You have a child's worldview. Still looking to figure it out with a "cool apathy". 

Here's a hint junior. Between 2000-2008, we didn't celebrate mental illness as a virtue. No one identified as a cat and we recognized that healthy debate was the foundation of democracy, not a threat to it. You clearly don't understand what packing the supreme court means. The rest of your post isn't worth commenting on.  
 I'm 43 lol 
 Then you're far dumber than anyone thought. I must be speaking to a white dude for Harris.  
 This guy identified as a cat.


Sorry to butt in on the Twitter style thread but facts is facts…  
 Unironically, he chose to do this to himself after living in San Diego for some time... He was a degenerate that wouldn't support himself.

You don't say... A man ahead of his time. Trail blazer.  
 Or maybe more people are visible to you because of the internet? He met his partner at a fury convention…

I’ve no skin in this horse to be honest, whoever wins the US election they’ll be funding war in the Middle East but I want truth for all the folks in the past identifying as cats. 🐈  
 Look dude, of you want to encourage mental illness as a path of success for a nation. Then go for it. You're part of the problem.

And we can all use that tired trope of more taxes and more war with either party, but we didn't have that with trump. We had less tax and he closed out virtually every arena of war.

He also forced NATO counties to own their contractual obligations so that we were not on the hook for paying their wars. 

Abrhamic peace accords... Bringing peace to the middle east. 

This is not an election like any other. Trump broke that paradigm. Not sure if you noticed, but he's equally hated by the entire establishment. Boths R's and D's.

People need to wake up.  
 I don't even live in the USA so don't see how I'm the problem... Cat person for president 2028! 
 I mean, hilarious, but it really does illustrate the point. 

Sane people are moving on. #Trump2024.