I looks forward to that, those are both games on my radar (although I rarely have time for games these days 😅) Nier is a game I always overlooked due to the Waifu looking image, but maybe i'll have to give it a chance some day. If you've ever heard of the game "Control" it's good at exploring supernatural/psychological ideas and the nature of black gov. Operations. Currently playing through, good fun 👍🏻 I also usually only play games these days when they contain some depth.
Yup, played Control! I enjoyed the heavy conspiratory vibe and the gameplay was pretty good. It had its moments but it didn't leave a lasting impression on me unfortunately. The first thing that comes to mind was how freaky that hotel area felt haha.
Yeah I feel you, it's certainly not that philosophically deep, but it explores some interesting ideas (quantum physics/alternate realities) and has a fairly unique gameplay style, so i'm digging it for now. 😁