Why are 50+ year old white men so afraid of "woke"? They're teaching college level anti-woke courses, passing laws banning it, lol...what the entire fuck man? Hahahaha
@2a70c54d the 50+ cis-het white presenting male had the most unearned privilege throughout most of the their life and is the most rapidly shrinking demographic these days. in this case, the dinosaur can actually watch the meteor that will wipe them out.
@2a70c54d they get to say N*-LOVER without saying it... and they looooove that they can get away with it
@2a70c54d well this post gives me an excuse to share a favorite meme! https://media.mastodon.sunny.garden/media_attachments/files/111/172/808/459/717/315/original/a46b33dad9761e11.jpg
@2a70c54d a guesstimation: the word idiot comes from the ancient greek word for being uninterested in the matter of the (city) state. They have no politics, no thoughts, no ideas. All they have is sports team supporter mindsets and wedge issues in opposition to the other side. Owning the libs is all they strive for. Conditioned through media that woke is peak liberal, so they hate it like they’re dogs salivating when they hear a bell.