Oddbean new post about | logout
 My favourite question from the NEARcon crypto conference this week. 

Audience question:

“Why do the blockchains always have tokens? Can you do it without a token?”

“They don’t have to have tokens but it’s in my interest that there’s a token”. 

Naturally I’ve been spamming bitcoin 😃 
 whats a "tolkien"? 

the thing the shitcoin scammer didn't say:

we are burning all your resources paying absurd management, marketing and developer wages to produce our hypothetical product, and we must have luxury.

  Thats so messed up! There is only one Bitcoin!! If people just realised that USD is a shitcoin and btc is the real 'game'.  I'm a bit like a bee at the moment. 

 LoL… they got busted! 
 Would’ve been nicer if he’d been even more honest and said: “because registering a security is way too much hassle, plus this way I don’t need to wait to be bought out by Google, I can just dump my bags when the time is right.” 
 Wow, so openly admitting it, but also not even smart enough to realise that they DO need a token because how else do you incentivise honest actors (fees) to create verify, and uphold the integrity of blocks?!