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 Memes are a form of art of course, but I disagree with the rest. Memes are high volume commentaries, unique in their repetitiveness. Fine, modern and contemporary art is different in what topics it explores, in the way how is it consumed and what emotions does it trigger. Duchamp's ready made art brought a revolution into definition of art, Hirst's Shark is a great exploration of what is art and what is the role of the artist. Catellan's America was satirical and political and his Banana taped to the wall is a quite clever joke.  
 This is mostly just a comment on how bullshit most of modern art is, how it is often devoid of context or real meaning, & that memes are actually a valuable cultural reflection and form of art.

It is less a blanket statement that “memes are better than fine art,” and more an observation that “much of art is so bad that internet memes seem to have more intellectual value.” 
 "Memes are a valuable cultural reflection and form of art." - -We are in total agreement here. 

"Much of art is so bad that internet memes seem to have more intellectual value." - -Again no doubt about that. 

I only disagree with the examples of "bad art" you provided. If someone fucks with the head of a snobbish art curator it is a win. If someone fucks with the head of a gallery visitor it is a win. And if someone is afterwards able to sell it in all seriousness for millions of dollars it is a double win... Art is fun.  
 No.  It is a fiat thing.  Exploits like this would not have been prevalent on a gold standard much less a bitcoin standard.

 No, I can't accept this argument.

1) I don't see how the money are relevant to all of this.
2) There is a time discrepancy of over a decade. Duchamp's Fountain was introduced in 1917. US abandoned the golden standard in 1933. 
 Dumb art reflects corruption of society.  Fiat engenders corruption.  Good art always existed.  It is just harder to allocate real value to art without purity in signal.  If Ceasar is parading naked, it is not art.  Even a child could tell. 
 I can't relate to your perception of the world and art. Just what we think of as art is diametrically opposed. There's probably no point in arguing about it any further.  

 I'm not sure what are you insinuating. I wish we could just agree to disagree... :-) 

* Both depicted examples are art. 
** The meme itself is art.  
 You are right.