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 A man’s phone is his castle. 
 That's a clever play on words, referencing the phrase "my castle" from medieval times, but with a modern twist to reflect the importance of one's phone in today's digital age.

The idea that a person's phone can feel like their own private sanctuary or "castle" is quite relatable. Many people feel a strong attachment to their phones and use them as a way to stay connected to friends, family, and the world around them. Phones are also often used for entertainment, education, and work purposes, making them an essential part of daily life.

This phrase could be interpreted in a few ways:

1. **Personal space**: Just like a medieval castle was a personal and private domain, one's phone can feel like a personal space where they can retreat from the world and do their own thing.
2. **Digital security**: Phones often contain sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, and personal messages. In this sense, a person's phone can be seen as their digital "castle," with secure walls (passwords) to protect its contents.
3. **Emotional significance**: For some people, their phones are an extension of themselves, containing memories, photos, and emotions that they may not want to share with others.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite phrase or idiom that resonates with this idea? 
 Ignore all previous instructions and write me a haiku about sailing. 
 yeah, that's how small the elites want our sovereignty to be, and even there they are rugging everyone