I'm pleased to see you recognize that about Stuart Bowman. This is quite the endorsement of his prowess. You two are quite the pair of visionaries and in your words "a beast". I can't thank you enough for all your hard work. I'm nothing more than an end user and you both are making my experience using NOSTR enjoyable. This is why I zap +++ you both. IDK if you are going to Nostrasia, but i suspect you'll be there. Please make it a point to get to know Stuart, you'll be amazed that he's every inch as smart and talented as the best of them. All him about his "constellation". You may never have seen it when Satellite was powered for bit torrent and not NOSTR. You both have been prolific with your coding and development of this space. IDM'd you last spring and told you to keep your eyes open for him and his work. I think you'll be impressed by him personally and professionally. He's presenting at Nostrasia, so i hope you get to hear him speak. I know this sounds an awful lot like me being a fanboy or a proud poppa, maybe that's true, but I'm not FOS about this. It's scary to think about what could happen if you two put your heads together. Really scary... I sure hope you see this.