I find @jack mallers perspective on the financial stage of the world to be insightful and refreshing. His direct communication style resonates with all of us here. He speaks his mind. I love this man. <3 https://finance.yahoo.com/video/bitcoin-strike-ceo-disagrees-dimons-165522345.html nostr:note1vfda7l0494cx9qd4t2nmyp98r59sug5c0cjr2pf6h0haztltvqfs42kkr2
wild. i just watched it less than 5 minutes ago. the link is now dead. Jack said several times why does anyone care what jamie dimon thinks 😂 mentioned how he was epstein's banker 😂 maybe that's why it got nuked?
you can read the article here still. https://web.archive.org/web/20240123170546/https://finance.yahoo.com/video/bitcoin-strike-ceo-disagrees-dimons-165522345.html
Don’t worry, the internet never forgets nostr:note1xhh8kc6xln2crmz4707ha4v4cra6tf9pz5rgdzan2xzcztc8nhfq7x547p
I just pulled the video too. Thanks for sharing.
If you would like to read a short, non-technical and insightful book about our risks of a highly financialized society today, I can recommend this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Five-Stages-Collapse-Survivors-Toolkit/dp/0865717362/ #econ #society #collapse nostr:nevent1qqsr6wmywy620fawhwml49wedcq5yvcmvvcvekwgktzzsud56rq0pyspz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfdupzq0mhp4ja8fmy48zuk5p6uy37vtk8tx9dqdwcxm32sy8nsaa8gkeyqvzqqqqqqya7dun4
Views on Jamie Dimon: haters gonna hate, scammers gonna scam. He hates, he scams, simples.