This was an interesting article with a lot of good spiritual points that can be summarized with the quote, The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” I felt it could have gone deeper, though. At the end it did have some strong words against Democrats while leaving Republicans off the hook. I'd argue both parties are generally bad. The difference is just in degrees, although the Republicans have a handful of decent (not perfect) people. I'm not sure the Democrats (at least at the federal level) have any left. I think all of the ones with a hint of principles have left the party. #christian #jesus #politics #devil #satan #Bible Check out the article:
The fundamental problem that most Christians don't recognize is that all the nation-states of the world are under the control of satan and his demons. Who wants to work for satan? What Christian in his right mind would want to work in the employ of the devil?🤔 If there are any "good guys" in government, either red or blue, it's because they are ignorant of this truth or delude by Satan.
There may still be a few Davids that believe that God can conquer even those who seem unconquerable and that all things are possible with God. I agree with your basic premise, but maybe we do really need more Davids who refuse to give up to anyone blaspheming God.
It's just the wrong, most futile way to go about it!😳 Scripture clearly and repeatedly tells us human rule is rebellion against God (1 Samuel 8:7), and that God is in the process of destroying ALL such efforts... Psalm 2, Daniel 2, 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 1 Corinthians 2:6...