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 I have a theory as to why leftists began identifying as "they/them nonbinary." Could it have anything to do with worshiping the state and identifying with it as your parent and later attempting to emulate it by "becoming" a wretched manmade beast? The state has no gender, and it is not an individual, it is a corporation of many individuals in a hierarchy. Therefore a "they/them" sees themselves as a corporation, or a fictional entity, or a beast, rather than a single being made in the image of God. 
 I think you're on the track, yes, except it's worse than that...

1 - Rothbard, "[Marx and Alienation](https://mises.org/mises-daily/marx-and-alienation)"

2 - Peter Jones, [The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity's Greatest Threat](https://a.co/d/7ab8aq2) 
 In the Bible, people who are possessed usually talk in the plural.  I am starting to believe that is where it comes from.