Oddbean new post about | logout
 We’re working on something to make this fun and way more accessible to the community… launching demo soon  
 My man! 
 Yo Sergio, @ConduitCoffee is launched. Donating 21% of all sats received to OpenSats for the rest of 2024 😎 
 Ill be checking it out brotha 
 Rock on  
 How exciting! 
It’s actually already up at conduitbtc.com or Conduit.coffee but we haven’t announced it yet ;)
DM me if you want to be on an email list for the monthly development updates- not necessary tho since we’re gonna post the long form content on Nostr too. Cheers  
 Woo hoo! I will check that out in the morning 
 I saw it. It's cool. 
