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 I’m not vaccinated 🫡 
 For anything at all? Even if vaccines have risks that aren’t broadly acknowledged it seems like Polio was pretty terrible 
 Wait, Did I just walk right into an ambush? Lol 
 When I was a kid I guess I had only few so that hospital would release me and my mother😬 but yeah since then no 
 Sorry to hear that you were forced to do that. Coercion isn’t informed consent. Good ideas shouldn’t need coercion. 
 COVID just helped further radicalize me 🫡
 Te felicito, yo tengo 2 dosis hasta que abrí los ojos y me di cuenta 
 I never had the chicken pox :/ 
 Me too. I worked in med labs my whole career and saw first hand what a scam the EUA PCR tests were, and also tried to get my coworkers to acknowledge that the jabs were ‘gene therapy’ rather than actual tested vaccines. The fear and group think got over 90% of them (who I thought were smart people) to ‘bend the knee’. 
 I mean it’s not about smart and dumb. The majority of people haven’t had a choice and were forced to do this. 
 Worked in a lab too. The cognitive dissonance among educated people was amazing. 
 Love your tag line "can't complain about the gains" LOL 
 Meanwhile... there is a mass genocide happening and not enough people are paying attention. It's continuing to accelerate.


 Yeap! And we will see more of such cases in the future 
 If I don't get the COVID vaccines they send me to my communist dictatorship, I call this coercion ⭐️ 
 No one is 😉 
 Few orange people are 🫡