Nostr's biggest problem: lack of disagreeableness. Nobody has disagreements here. It's stifling.
Rad my thread about endless wars
This is a good one. Stressful topic discussed passionately by bith sides without devolving to middle-school tactics.
If you do that here people will label you as a "pessimist" and a "source of negativity"
Yeah, it's pretty much Anti-Mastodon at this point. 😆
you’re actually wrong about being wrong about being wrong. wow. how could you.
Both of you suck!
You know it's true. Fight me.
Amusing asnwers playing contrarian, IMO, this was to be expected, it is a soace of people behind Bitcoin, LN, decentralization and Privacy oriented , a tribe, therefore, it is only natural most people would be quite often in the same page. Additionally, most hard core bitcoiners are well known for not holding back and saying it like it is, some of them quite hardly, therefore, I would assume some fragile egos out there will think twice before attacking the tribe...
I've been trying hard to fix that.
I commented on this at a while ago. My belief is people will gravitate toward cooperation if it means they will be paid real money. Being zapped for your positive comments, v.s. getting nothing for your negative comments means people will magically prefer doing whatever makes them money. It works just like everything else in life, unlike venture-capital-funded advertisement driven social media that gains attention by fucking with your head and getting you addicted to negative attention from AI-insult-bots.
I agree 💯
This. Two bazillion is not enough.