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You got it! Full on mossad agent here that lives in Miami and mines fiat at a corporate job so I can save in bitcoin 

Go move to Iran. Best of luck since you hate the west so much and think anyone that pushes back against terrorist or nazi sympathizers is a mossad agent. Fucking moron 
 OK Rabbi.

 Keep posting your anti semetic bullshit. Let the world see what a piece of shit you are 
 If he gave a shit about what kikes thought about his usage of free speech to shame them, he wouldn't be Jew naming now would he? 
 Here is another one! 

Keep them coming! I love finding all the garbage humans out there

Imagine hating an entire group of people because of their religious beliefs 
 The "religion" that consists of stating that anyone non-Jewish are inferior to them, actively relishing in mocking and desecrating the name of Jesus Christ (who they killed, by the way) and somehow convincing people that the Talmud ISN'T a listed testament to their subhuman and degenerate nature while selling a bastardized version of the Bible (Torah) as their TRUE "holy" book?

Gee, I wonder why people hate that and the "people" who proudly identify with such.

But to contest your claim that I "hate" all Jews, I don't; the only ones I truly detest are the ones who refuse to reflect on or be honest about who and what they are, which happen to be 99% of them.

I respect Bobby Fischer for renoucing his "religious" Judaism and dedicating the rest of his life speaking out against it, Owen Benjamin (when he's not deliberately being a stupid shitheel) for doing the same, David Cole for debunking the Holohoax during the 90s, and lastly Theodore Herzl himself (yes, I said what I said) for being forthcoming about the dishonest and parasitic nature of Jews while actively creating the illegitimate political system that plauges Palestine today. 
 Wow! Didn’t realize the level of stupidity out in the world

Keep hating us! Best of luck blaming others and being a miserable piece of shit! 
 Thought you weren't Jewish, bud.
"EST" is the saying for a reason. 
 I am Jewish and proud to be! 

Could never imagine being as dumb and ignorant as you

Hope others on here can see what a dumbass hateful idiot you are so they can avoid you at all costs 
 definitely not mad at being called out for what you are, not at all :^) 
 Please entertain me! What am I? 

I know you are an ignorant idiot that thinks Jews are a problem (I.e., nazi) 
 Considering the fact you actively defend the war crimes of an illegitimately founded "country" only made due to Britain's territorial claim over Palestine at the time (along with their dumbass Balfour Decleration "legitamizing" the displacement of the native Palestinian population), anything else that's not explicitly naming you as what you are would roll off like water on armor.

It's only when you're accurately labelled as a Jew that you recoil at being found out. 
 Yup! I defend the rights of Israel to defend itself from terrorists. I also sympathize with Palestinians and fully support them against Hamas. Unfortunately only Palestinians can free themselves from Hamas and they don’t seem to be that interested or capable of doing so

I can’t turn back the clock and change the way Israel was founded but it happened over 70 years ago well before either of us were alive. Many wars have been fought since (all initiated by Muslim countries) and Israel has earned their right to exist. I’m sorry you don’t like the results but 2 fucking bad. You don’t seem to say anything about these Muslim countries that have implemented sharia law and exiled/executed all Jews/christians. You idiots are very quick to forget there was a huge Jewish population in Persia 50 years ago 

Anything else? 
 The Middle East is shit too, you disingenuous kike retard.

Ideally it'd all be bombed indiscriminately, so that the only shit left to clean up would be within our borders.

I'd expect you to be all for that, considering West Palestine's nationalist bent... oh wait, nationalism is unquestionably awful if WHITE people are advocating it.

forgor about that 
 What are you even talking about at this point? 

Feel bad for you. Hope you get some help for yourself