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 Thinking a lot about setting up a Bitcoin Citadel (a bitcoiner family office) and wondering about guiding values of Freedom vs Sovereignty vs Autonomy.

Going through The Sovereign Individual and man, did they ever get close but so far away from Bitcoin.

Also, they were defending Osama Bin Laden as a sovereign individual, and they thought Y2K was a massive problem.

I’m only 10% in.

Is this book actually good? Should I bother finishing it? 

 Yes, it's good. Some of that in chapter 1 is lame though as you pointed out. 
 In 2 sentences, what is the purpose and work of a bitcoiner family office? 
 It was written before Bitcoin so they basically predicted it. I don’t think they were following the cypherpunks closely. Just macro analysis and logical conclusions 
 Very good book, don’t get hung up. 
 defending OBL is a red flag! 
 Yes, it’s a really good book and worth finishing.  💯 
 Brad keep going!