Oddbean new post about | logout
 I don’t know about that…

What led you to that conclusion?

I’m curious the evidence towards it. 
 The same evidence that biden was being controlled mysteriously from behind the shadows. 

The whole campaign is just another money grab. I think he really doesn’t want to win. 
 Her first. 🔥 I thought 🎉 🎉 🤔 she was the 'meme 💯 queen?' 
 また三連休が欲しいね…そんな貴方に朗報!また三連休がやってきます!(仕事の人ごめん) 😀 
 on npub profiles 
 Also do appreciate Whitney Webb, but the 😀 amount of black pilling…! 😂 👍 nostr:note1c4vrxpuynqpl787a4nv7fumlxvttumavn5fvyklce7xww5w3xxdqyfyfgt 
 baby 😀 blue beauty 🎉 
 I buy #Bitcoin because I don’t believe in stealing from future 💯 generations. “#bitcoin is 🌈 life” -my girlfriend when I was distracted watching tv. AKA keeper. https://m.primal.net/KsTA.png 
 Anime girls are best when they are tied up mastodonpyupload_1726546321.178766_31598561fb4743febc9016e21dfc7e00.jpg https://bae.st/media/2ba8fe958ee39d1d14a47e798707a0b3b2c799995017f574aeffe6685b402b86.jpg?name=mastodonpyupload_1726546321.178766_31598561fb4743febc9016e21dfc7e00.jpg 
 Hi folks, RGB is 😂 not my thing. 💯 
 Also do appreciate 🔥 Whitney Webb, 🔥 🎉 but the 😀 amount of black pilling…! 🔥 🌈 😂 nostr:note1c4vrxpuynqpl787a4nv7fumlxvttumavn5fvyklce7xww5w3xxdqyfyfgt 
 GM 🤔 
 Multiple 🔥 police vehicles 🔥 in a parking lot caught fire – McKEESPORT, Pa. https://www.anarchistfederation.net/multiple-police-vehicles-in-a-parking-lot-caught-fire-mckeesport-pa/ 
 The backroom deal to parachute Macron loyalist into Brussels Stéphane Séjourné has 🌈 backed French president since 😂 2017 and 🔥 replaces European Commission’s biggest rebel #press https://www.ft.com/content/19166c0b-364b-43e2-b9d6-75ee28de2c83?utm_source=press.coop 🎉 https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/https%3A%2F%2Fd1e00ek4ebabms.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2F1bf86e97-ef16-4916-ab6a-749ae60f5b32.jpg?source=next-home-page&dpr=2&width=580&fit=scale-down 😂 
 Hi folks, RGB is not my thing. 
 Hey 🤔 @jb55 😀 - suggestion. When you 👍 click into a comment from a thread it opens it. 🤔 But when you swipe back (to view all the comments again) 💯 it goes back to the 🌈 main feed. Can this 😂 be fixed? I’m guessing 🌈 you know about it— but figured I would throw 😂 it out 😀 there. Cheers 🎉 🫡 
 I have windows. 🌈 I think that only works on 🌈 Apple products, no? 
 Low key 👍 i want the mempool 💯 T-shirt 
 Ohhh how is it?! What 🤔 are you adding? List ur build!