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 The US was never a democracy.  It was founded as a Republic.  Democracy is an awful form of government, recognized as such since at least Plato, and explicitly rejected by the American founders.  God set up several forms of government of Israel, beginning with the Patriarchy (the real thing in Genesis), then servitude (Egypt after Joseph), then Constitutional Anarchy (Law of Moses), then Constitutional Monarchy (Moses provided for an eventual king), and the final Kingdom will be Christ as absolute ruler of the world.  All other wanna be world rulers (including US neocons) are anti-christs.

Democracy: two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner 
 Yes that's what I just said basically. 
 I claim that the US was not always an evil tyrant.  And while the CIA assassinated JFK, and many undeclared wars fought since WW2, the real evil began in the late 1990s by my reckoning.  That was when they began centralizing the internet with ICANN, TLS cabal, and SaS, and when the Neocons plotted their conquest of the Middle East in 1998. 
 Nixon took the USD off the gold standard for international transactions.  This removed the last restraint on money printing by the unconstitutional "Federal Reserve". 
 Also, that's when real income of the poorest in the US began going down.  Until then, it had gone up fairly consistently on average.