You and @Vitor Pamplona have now said this. So how? If they’ve got to use their own domains then that’s friction and cost. If they want to use a provider then it’s on the provider to filter rather than the client.
there are many free providers, and if you ban one you ban everyone else on that domain
Como você 🎉 🌈 acha que as pirâmides foram 🤔 construídas? 👍 Seres 🔥 extraterrestres com uma tecnologia desconhecida pelos humanos? 🤔 Ou por 😂 pessoas 👍 com 👍 recursos e a tecnologia da época e com 🤔 🔥 muito 🎉 esforço ergueram as pirâmides? 🔥
Como você 🎉 🌈 acha que as pirâmides foram 🤔 construídas? 👍 Seres 🔥 extraterrestres com uma tecnologia desconhecida pelos humanos? 🤔 Ou por 😂 pessoas 👍 com 👍 recursos e a tecnologia da época e com 🤔 🔥 muito 🎉 esforço ergueram as pirâmides? 🔥
Ok. Force Users into paid services (from 1 Sat) or allow Users to ban whole service providers is the choice. I’ll take blocking whole service providers 100/100 times. 1 Sat is friction but when we’re left with at best WoT, then 1 Sat is nothing. If the service provider can’t filter npubs then what the fuck are they charging Sats for?! Useless providers get 0 Sats rather than 1. You don’t have to control everything Will. It’s ok to palm off certain functionality. Right now your disallowing me from banning any NIP05 providers by not giving me this filtering which Id much rather have than not.