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 There is a lot of censorship going on in the UK right now. Social Media companies are being forced to delete posts, deplatform accounts which are deemed to be spreading "misinformation" and "hate speech".

Of course the UK government is the self appointed Ministry of Truth.

If you are an Englishman, please advise your fellow citizens to join Nostr.
We should be using this platform to return people their voices, other than shitposting/cringeposting and being nerds.

Personally, I am in of the opinion that western governments have become too big and wield way too much influence for the level of competence they display. We need to get it through people's head that Bitcoin is how you defund these parasites with dictatorial aspirations.

 Would be interested to see a collection of all posts that led to deletion, deplatform, or arrest.. I’m sure some unsavory things were said. Regardless, I imagine the filter get’s bigger and bigger over time as more speech is determined as “unsafe” 
 More interesting to analyse the paths of misinformation. People straight up lied about the identity of the murderer. That lead to a fair amount of violence. What was the incentive?

It costs money to get that reach. I agree the uk gov are bellends but there’s a whole heap of misaligned incentives on Musk’s webpage. I don’t use it myself and remarkably I haven’t looted any phone shops or smashed up a mosque in the last two weeks.

I guess that means Nostr fixes something? 
 people won't do anything until there's pain...don't worry, it's coming

what a time to be alive!  I have to admit, this is fun, entertaining, and deadly serious all at once.  The grandkids are going to hear plenty of 🤡🌎stories about this time!!! 
 There is a lot of censorship going on in the UK right now. Social Media companies are being forced to delete posts, deplatform accounts which are deemed to be spreading "misinformation" and "hate speech".

Of course the UK government is the self appointed Ministry of Truth.

If you are an Englishman, please advise your fellow citizens to join Nostr.
We should be using this platform to return people their voices, other than shitposting/cringeposting and being nerds.

Personally, I am in of the opinion that western governments have become too big and wield way too much influence for the level of competence they display. We need to get it through people's head that Bitcoin is how you defund these parasites with dictatorial aspirations.

 Being on Nostr doesn't really help if they can still identify you and throw you in jail.

People would have to post anonymously, and in ways so that they can't be doxxed, which can be hard especially when they report about things happening on the ground, citizen journalism style. 
 Yes you can always throw people in jail, unfortunately. But here's the thing: you can't jail hundreds of thousands. 

The jail thing is mostly a threat meant to scare people into compliance. 
 Sadly, historically, scaring people into compliance has worked. 
 Are you not automatically anonymous on Nostr? Who would government contact to get your nostr account info? 
 I believe Martin is referring to taking video or saying things which reveal who you are to the government or those who know you who then report you to the Govt. 
 Also, in addition to not putting your name in your profile 😉 you need to make sure you never reveal breadcrumbs in your posts about your life (friends, trips, background, etc.) that can be used to successfully profile you - not to mention things like  how you use language. The government is very good at finding people it wants to find. And the whole reason we are on social media is we like to talk about stuff. 
 Can't you just create new accounts and guerilla post with hashtags? The biggest thing would be burner phones for the geo fencing, I would think.  
 no thanks. I'm not going give fuel to fires. The public have nothing to say, so they are perfectly fine. Why we even want to help? because of money?  
 I've always said that Nostr will be here for when people need it most. It's wild to see this playing out in real time.
 The government is the most prolific and unapologetic spreader of misinformation.
 no. UK loves being cucks to their government 
 Totally agree! 🌟 It's time people start exploring alternatives like Nostr and understand the power of Bitcoin to push back against overreaching governments. 💬 
 Agreed but I also think those tech platforms have too much power but I don't think break them up, ban them etc. I think stop using them. It's a simple as that. Stop making those bellends money. 
 Feels like the UK people are going to have to get their own Declaration of Independence from their tyrant pedophile political master pretty soon. 
 *citation needed

Starmer is more just a straight up cunt than a paedo. Maybe you’re confusing him with Andrew Windsor? He’s defo a paedo. 
 It was supposed to say “masters” plural. It was a general statement. Plus the hood ornaments are rarely the ones with the real power. 
 Totally agree.

"Hood ornaments" lol, brilliant metaphor. 
 The State is the UK is very powerful, typically anyone try to push it one way or another are destroyed. Assange and Corbyn are recent examples.

Smashing stuff up is easy but I’m not convinced that’s a great way to attack the state. The speed at which rioters are being processed is evidence of that. 

Appreciate you’re just making throw away comments for the lolz but if you live here it’s pretty serious.

Personally I’ve tried through political means, a lot of people got involved in politics in 2017 who hadn’t been before, the attempts to progress through democratic means were crushed, not by opposition but from within the political party.

I currently try to live away from the banking industry and take steps to minimise surveillance on me. It’s a full time job and I’m just some dude who fucks around with music.

I’m looking for answers, obviously getting out is front of mind, I’m applying for an EU passport and researching was I can use my skill set to earn money online.

There’s a lot more happening than a basic free speech issue going on here. 
 Long ago, banks became an extension of the state. Now social media platforms are an extension of the state.

I'm not saying that this is good or bad, just that there needs to be an alternative like #nostr

 is it safe to speak up on Nostr? That is my main question regarding nostr 
 Depends what your opsec is like, use a vpn etc. 
 ok, VPN is important. however, there must be other important actions. I will try to research that. other problem I have is that I am used to twitter, is this similar in terms of discussions etc... in twitter I use lists to filter folks by topic. here it seems more like, discover interesting people and just follow. it seems harder to curate 
 The UK government is reacting to the realization by the people that their government has failed and betrayed them. They’re reacting by telling the people to shut up or else. 
Finally, the people are responding with, “no, you listen or else!” 
 Sure made nostr less fringe for me. Better have the tools ready before we need it. 
 Any size of government is too big. 
 Decentralize your life 🟧 
 Yup, western governments are too large, and are too tempting for large groups to form in an attempt to wield its emence power. Small government, decentralized governance is the solution.  
 I have had debates with people about no countries vs many countries. I am not quite sure which is best. One world govt also doesn't want many countries , just one. On the other hand divide and rule under one global govt requires many countries.  
 Excellent post, friend 👏

Just shared on X, hopefully it can get some traction there to catalyze some ship-jumping

 or maybe... you know... it will just be taken down xD 
 #TwoTierKeir would choke at the idea that masses of British natives begin using a decentralised social media platform! 

I have just joined Primal and will start sharing the platform to those who no longer bend the knee to the suppression of truth! There is a very real threat of a communist power grab in the UK. 

Starmer is a leader of the Far Left and advocate of Soviet ideology. He does not like the working the class, he detests anything related to a middle class. He will obliterate the top tier of society. He understands he has 5 years to twist legislation to empower a far left regime that keeps them in power for a decade. 

There is a new movement on the right, that once streamlined, will kick this communist dark lord out of power. This needs time to create the infrastructure and assemble the the grassroots politics throughout the UK. The suppression of free speech on Meta platforms will hinder these efforts, X remains the only platform so remain opposed to the government demand for censorship. Elon Musk has himself attacked the Prime Minister this week! 

With over 4 million votes the Left are terrified of the Reform UK movement which will double over the course of the next 5 years! The left will stop at nothing to prevent this! 
 Does anyone have a buy specific examples of posts that have been censored or accounts that have been deleted from x in the UK during the red debt troubles? 

Mainstream media are pushing this narrative, but it is possible that they are lying to us.  
 I'm not on Twitter sorry. Great question. 
 Tell them to come on down and pick up an npub and we'll throw in a nip- 05 for free! Call today. 

 I'm thinking since I'm in the rural US, I should select a UK server through my VPN, then make like 100 accounts and pull some really hilarious memes calling all UK officials Nazi and pedo fucks, and meme the ever loving fuck out of them for a month... Let them try to come get me in rural America 😂😂
 It looks like the elite (=parasite class) still could not digest brexit & will do everything to punish people of UK for their revolt against the totalitarian EU project. 
 totally agree with you. the western world is heading towards nazi 2.0
god help us we plebs need to unite  
 What a coincidence that public turmoil is happening in the streets these days. And that the government can present it in such a way that these intensified restrictions on freedom of speech are a reaction to it.

And it's good of Nostr that it doesn't let itself be distracted, unlike the majority of the population.

 Decentralize everything in your life. Stop it nothing. Fight for common sense and freedom. 

Till Valhalla brothers….. and the very rare and occasional sister 🤣 
 Self-sovereignty is anti-tyranny and anti-Monopoly. #HODL in #BTC & we starve late stage capitalism & choke the military industrial complex & bury the creature from Jekyll island & blind the eye of Moloch—the most peaceful revolution known to humanity fights back and wins simply by recruiter more and more ₿elievers to hodl the one asset to rule them all. 
 Large states or federations of states usually do not align well with the individual rights of the person