Just being here now and understanding #bitcoin is not an indication that you are going to make it from here to there. Many will not make it.
What’s the single greatest predictor of success in the long run?
Low time preference
IQ, actually
No IQ is definitely not an indicator. Most 'high IQ' people are lockdowners, pro vaccine mandate and don't get bitcoin
never giving a god damn fuck
What would prevent someone that gets bitcoin now from making it in your opinion? What does making it mean? Not dumping your bags too early? Not getting rugged by the likes of FTX?
I think if someone gets bitcoin now, they are gonna "make it" ... Anyone operating their life on a foundation of 21million has an advantage over ppl operating on kangaroo bucks.
There are all sorts of ways to trip yourself up. I’ve seen it happen to friends. I sincerely hope everyone makes it to the end, but I’ve seen a lot of people fumble the bag.
What do you mean fumble the bag? Like literally lose a seed phrase? People that fumble the bag by investing in other things don’t “get bitcoin”
I think a big part of “making it” depends on how you manage this relationship: Size of your #bitcoin stack. V. How long before you’ll completely rely on your #bitcoin stack. Would be curious if other factors to be aware of.
Just when I was getting my hopes up 🤷♂️😂
Nor is it an indication that #bitcoin is. Definitely increases the odds though. igmi
Where is “there” ? Or is it There? Bcs everyone is going to make it There.
Funny things are everywhere
hodl wants us to hodl stronger #iamneverselling
Make what?
What does it even mean to make it? When will somebody make it?
Make it to the end with a solid stack
The end probably means the day of your death. That would sound reasonable
i made dinner
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