Oddbean new post about | logout
 zeus dont do splicing and lnd still cant do that, yes and yes 
 sorry, no and yes 
 splicing is still a WIP i think... we have BOLT12 now though, which is nice 
 phoenix implement splicing very well, I'm really impressed using it. They made a fantastic non-custodial UX with the right tradeoffs IMO (in particular with bolt12 adoption).
The only problem I have with it is the single point of failure in acinq. Having something like phoenix but interoperable openly with multiple nodes would be a peak in lightning network wallets. Electrum is trying to do something like that, but it still need a lot of work. 
 yeah, acinq's work is the top shelf in LN

it's funny because LND gets all the bad press, and it is bad, especially BTCD... so that puts breez in a bad spot, but CLN is not as good as acinq either

although i'm sure that choice of language does matter, ie, C is ancient and crappy and complex, the legacy of btcd/lnd is a codebase that is badly written, slow and unstable, even though the language tries to help you avoid stupidity like this, and the rustaceans have nothing to say because they don't have an entrant in the race at all, not even a bitcoin node yet, and here we have acinq with their Java based infra that is basically the best

and they have the lowest profile in the media... 
 all my homies love splicing :(