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 Government Propaganda Dissected for Beginners

Topic: Federal Reserve
Myth: “The Fed doesn’t hand money to banks, it’s just providing liquidity”
Reality: Banks borrow at interbank, then lend outside it.  So if they borrow at 1% interbank then loan it to you at 6%, they just pocketed 5% which society bleeds out via inflation.  So it is really it’s just handing it to banks, just a complex method to reduce public outrage.

Topic: World Bank
Myth: “The World Bank provides charity to countries in need”
Reality: The World Bank guarantees loans from for-profit commercial banks to corrupt dictators of poor countries.  Then after the dictator runs off with the money, the World Bank pressures future generations of impoverished citizens to pay the loans back (usually to Citibank).

Topic: The CIA
Myth: “The CIA provides security for Americans”
Reality: The CIA conducts mass murders through illegal coups and third party contractors who kill many minorities throughout South America, the Middle East, Asia, and even Africa.  The true extent of the brutal dictators they prop up causes extreme backlash among the world is the motivation for terrorism against Americans.  The CIA’s actions are not only illegal, immoral, and corrupt, but not even practical to make Americans safe.

Topic: 9/11
Myth: “Osama-bin-laden hates Americans because of freedom and religion”
Reality: Osama-bin-laden stated he did it because of US financial support for Israel during the Lebanon bombings which leveled buildings to the ground.  These genocidal attacks were so brutal, that even Ronald Regan (one of the most hawkish presidents in US history) said it was “another Holocaust”.

Topic: Israel
Myth: “Israel has no partner in peace, Hamas is violent just because.”  
Reality: Israel specifically funded Hamas to combat the PLO.  Netanyahu is on the record officially saying that Israel needs Hamas to prevent peace deals with the official Palestinian government which would then force them to give up the West Bank settlements.  [Source: ScottHorton.org]

Spread the use of cryptocurrency and encrypted messengers to deprive government thugs of power and repost this so that others can learn! 
 Now do vaccines 💉