‘price is… a thermometer, not the heat itself’https://media.tenor.com/ihqN6a3iiYEAAAAC/pikachu-shocked-face-stunned.gif nostr:note170zgh0rm63mcwu9mnws37xk86xrjjxwnt077aytj0nqkzsqm956sf4qqce
"we" is a category that does not include "me" and i don't lie i sometimes claim the 5th anyone who lies should not be let outside of a prison
That word again! Mleku, I wouldn’t be surprised if you muted the word ‘we’ for a while.
Yeah the “we” distinction should be avoided. Thats fiat language that attempts to equate us and society itself with the insanity of our govt. Something that are very, very much not the same thing.