Oddbean new post about | logout
 We are looking for volunteers to help us in different areas. A lot of interesting and challenging work 💪 awaits on the open-source, community-built road to the best, fastest 🚀, easy-to-use 👴👵🧒, and privacy-focused maps.

If we get enough money, we can significantly speed up the development by hiring a full-time team and rewarding the most active contributors. If we get more users, we get more donations. Donate and spread the word 💸! 

Let's call it Organic Crowdfunding 💰 


 @d7f4cce1 I will gladly switch to the Organic Maps if they have few features I use daily.
1. On the bus stops/train stations there's no drive plan displayed.
2. There's no (or I just can't find it) option to easily import my data like points, favorites, etc from the g-maps.
3. Night mode is an unusable nightmare! I can't see anything at all when this option is turned on, on my amoled. I like and mostly use dark themes, modes because of my eyes, but this particular one is totally messed up. 
 @d7f4cce1 those must be impressive helicopters 
 @d7f4cce1 donated. Thanks @d7f4cce1 
 @d7f4cce1 I’m only familiar with Swift and SwiftUI, but I really like contributing updates to map data in my rural area.
It’s where I live but also where I find map data too be the most lacking, so I’ll happily help improve things for everyone. 
 @d7f4cce1 your project is amazing. 👍
Till now I've been using OSM via OSMAnd~.
Can you please give me a hint, why I should change over to Organic Maps? 
 @d7f4cce1 We love Organic Maps, especially the feature to add/edit #OpenStreetMap right in the app :)

What are your thoughts/plans towards integrating crowdsourced live traffic data in a #privacy-respecting way with user consent? 
#alternatives #googlemaps #waze #applemaps