good morning nostr, become unruggable 🫡
Gm pleb
gm 🫡🏁
#Nostr relies on links to the centralized web for photos and videos. To avoid the pitfalls of the centralized web, we need freedom from it. #Nostr relays can now store all file types as Merkle DAGs, which are basically Merkle Trees with directories. 📁 Any file or folder can be signed like a nostr note. We call it HORNET Storage to represent the Cyber Hornets protecting bitcoin.⚡️ Website just launched —>
GM Matt! ☀️☕🤙
Good morning. ☕
i can only be rugged by quantum computing
good morning! ☕️🏉
Rugging will continue until levels of personal responsibility go up. Also, don’t think you’re smart, stay humble.
Good morning boss 🫡
Staying humble makes you unruggable🫡
GM 🤠🤙 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
Good morning from the fiat mines ✊
GM & PV 🫵💜🫂🍀☀️☕🤙 Have a great day!
GM! All decisions I make these days is to become unruggable🫡
Buenas Odell
I like the rugs, to me it's no different than buying a scratch off lottery ticket. I know it's 99.9% going to zero, but every once in a while, you get those like bitconnect that connect you to the moon before they completely implode in spectacular fashion. I guess I'm a shitcoin adrenaline junkie.
Love a nice rug though. Just not with my money or my sovereign.