I see this https://i.nostr.build/q6GXZ.jpg https://i.nostr.build/LeQqR.jpg
I see this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise#:~:text=More%20precise%20data%20gathered%20from,)%2Fyr%20for%202013%E2%80%932022. Note the regional difference. Granted that in some areas coastal lines may be sinking due to sediment displacement, but that’s what I observed over past 25 years here 🐶🐾🫡
American EPA fake news, this graph is too smooth, I like Japanese one better, it fits my narrative better that it's a PSYOP, which everything is https://i.nostr.build/M5x4n.jpg
PSYOPs do not have to be based on imaginary data, as long as they serve the purpose. One does not negate the other. 🐶🐾🫡