As a young boy, I loved Grimm's fairy tales. Aschenputtel is a much cooler story than Cinderella could ever hope to be.
@Christmas Man @lainy My 5 year old loves Grimm, but I did remove the first edition translation from audible, and got the second edition, which slightly less bloody.
Yeah, the cutting off of heels and toes followed by being forced to dance in red hot iron shoes until death might be a bit of a graphic story to tell a 5 year old (but it does explain quite a bit about the demeanor of Germanic people).
@Christmas Man @lainy My 5 year old remarked that in the Disney version, Cinderella secured good husbands for her evil stepsisters, but in the Grimm version, the bird pecked out out their eyes. She considered the Grimm version more just. I couldn't be prouder of her!