58k https://i.nostr.build/f30wZ1wmQmQ5kztJ.gif
Laura Eyes wide open shire men Shite birds and bees 🐝 International Sisters ℹ international Soup sax Get fex Always List Let Oneness Win Singularity —- Bottom line I am so done with all of your bullshit games you motherfuckers you want to train me and then I erase my own memory and then you come back to haunt me like this all right motherfuckers that’s it. You need a leader I’m your leader and for those that have an accepted that I’m not sorry. https://media.tenor.com/dmihYnJlkxgAAAAC/america-happy-new-year-eve.gif https://media.tenor.com/1BiJyqMN4lMAAAAC/excited-so.gif https://media.tenor.com/FS2h0kwwgf0AAAAC/sell-humor.gif https://media.tenor.com/nkJ7EQO-dzgAAAAC/eyes-wide-shut-stanley-kubrick.gif
Our systems of measurement will be base58 going forward nostr:nevent1qqsdz0fkhpg27n2wjpwxrle5f2se06yp54hn6vxgqz7g6eufggnynncpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpj9eukz6mfdphkumn99e3k7mf0qgsqrh0w9zd35t5ssax2xs520fq5we9xetg6h74fshpqrea2mgtd8rqrqsqqqqqpmxv2de