Oddbean new post about | logout
 Enjoy! Love seeing their shows 
 Thanks! Ill see if i can take some pictures. 
 You can but without flash is usually what they ask 
 Just thinking: Replacement theory does not look particularly racist, anymore.  
People were always told that it was Black & Brown people replacing White people, yet never realized it was "immigrants" replacing Americans. 
 10 years from now, the block reward will be 0.78125 BTC. 
 めちゃくちゃむずい 寝てる絵 
Sent the ladies in today and they loved the decorations! 

 You need an old tv monitor to release the nostalgium hormone though 😅 

A protester stands during a rally against the Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Melbourne, Australia, September 11. 

📸 #Picstr Joel Carrett

#grownostr | #plebchain  
 The 🔥 real 🔥 #joy 💯 is found 🔥 outside 🎉 of the screen. Have 🔥 a meal without your cellphone, 🤔 #engage with people without your cellphone. 👍 Live 🌈 organically. 
 In the trenches of TradFi, I’m learning that almost all of finance today is a convoluted mix of statistics and accounting.

Very, very little first principle thinking or macro analysis. Plug numbers into model, receive output; rinse and repeat. 
 Norkut, se é para lembrar o antigo orkut, esse é o melhor nome  
 Good day to you all. Let's connect with one other... Do have a fruitful and fulfilled day ahead.

 Are there problems again? Been about 13 hours not seeing anything on primal. 
 I would 🔥 have asked for a 💯 Niners 💯 win but it just didn’t happen. 😂 
 E Bate-Seba 🎉 inclinou a 👍 cabeca, e se prostrou 🔥 perante 😀 o rei; e disse o rei: Que tens? #E #Bate-Seba #inclinou #a #cabeca, #e #se #prostrou 💯 #perante 💯 #o #rei; #e #disse #o 😂 #rei: #Que 🎉 #tens? Y Betsab inclin la cabeza 💯 y se postr delante del 😂 rey; y el rey dijo: Qu tienes? #Y 💯 #Betsab 💯 #inclin #la #cabeza #y #se #postr #delante #del #rey; #y #el #rey 🤔 #dijo: #Qu #tienes? Bethsabe baissa la tte et se prosterna devant le roi. et 🎉 le roi 🤔 dit : Qu'as-tu ? #Bethsabe 👍 #baissa #la #tte #et 🔥 #se 🤔 #prosterna #devant #le 🎉 #roi. #et #le #roi #dit 👍 #: #Qu'as-tu #? 🔥 E Betsabea chin il capo e si prostr davanti al re; e il re disse: Che 💯 cosa hai? #E #Betsabea #chin #il #capo 🌈 #e #si #prostr #davanti #al #re; #e #il #re #disse: #Che #cosa 😂 #hai? And Bathsheba bowed her 🌈 head, and 👍 did obeisance before the king: 🤔 and the king said, What aileth thee? #And #Bathsheba 🤔 #bowed #her #head, #and #did #obeisance #before #the #king: #and #the #king 🌈 #said, #What #aileth #thee? 👍 Und Bathseba 😂 neigte ihr Haupt 😀 und fiel vor 🔥 dem Knig nieder; Und der Knig sagte: 🤔 Was hast du? #Und 👍 #Bathseba #neigte #ihr #Haupt 😀 #und #fiel #vor #dem #Knig #nieder; #Und #der #Knig 🤔 #sagte: #Was 🎉 #hast #du? Bath-sheba akainama 🎉 kichwa, akaanguka 🎉 mbele ya mfalme; mfalme akasema, Una 🔥 nini? #Bath-sheba #akainama #kichwa, 🌈 #akaanguka #mbele #ya 🤔 #mfalme; #mfalme #akasema, #Una 🔥 #nini? Dan Batsyeba menundukkan kepalanya 💯 dan tersungkur di hadapan raja; dan raja berkata, Apa 👍 yang kamu punya? 😀 #Dan #Batsyeba 💯 #menundukkan #kepalanya #dan #tersungkur #di #hadapan #raja; #dan #raja #berkata, #Apa #yang #kamu 😀 #punya? relay.primal.net 🔥