well, if all you need is profiles to show on relay.tools, you just have to get those profiles broadcasted to the relay you're on.. you can do that kind of thing with nak (it supports auth)
nak req --kind 0 -a <authorpub> wss://purplepag.es | nak event --auth wss://targetrelay
Yeah, I just see hex ids for most of the users, so I have no idea who I'm talking to.
i have a new organic relay for profiles, maybe i should do some magic for trex 🦖(the relay explorer) to source profiles from there.. but then it wouldnt be as pure. 🦖🦖🦖😅
Can someone make a #nostr relay .deb app for #linux?
So running a nostr relay becomes as easy as running a bitcoin node
And also integrate a lightning wallet into the bitcoin core app?
Yes, you can do that.
I wish I could, but I don’t know any coding 😩
And this is pretty advanced stuff to build
Spread it out there, perhaps someone will pick up on the idea/concept
Maybe as an optional button? 🤔
Oh right, yeah kind of forgot about that part.
i added an option to nak so you can source your private key from an environment variable (for auth operations) i recommend this, do not leak your key into command line history 🍄
My key never leaves it's vault, for good or bad :) burner nsecs only. I don't even want it available in the memory of my local machine