Reports ARE associating the content with the user of the app. There is no privacy on it. Users are creating an event and putting the reported id on it. Reports ARE NEVER PRIVATE. The name "report" should already tell you that. Mutes are private on Amethyst, but other clients make those public as well. They are all associating the user with the bad content. There is no way to do any of this without that association.
I know, I don't agree with them either... but at least that is intentional and purposeful, reactions aren't.
Intentionality cannot be assumed as well. Lots of people have been replying, reposting and even zapping spammers and impersonators lately. This notion of "users should avoid associating themselves with bad content" doen't work because it is inevitable. It's better if we normalize that association and then filter it down by what it actually meant at the time. On top of that, Clients do a lot in the background. We are generally signing tons of events left and right to just operate. Yeah, we can ask permissions every single time, but that will get annoying really quickly. We already see that with Amber that people check the first times and then just approve everything the app needs to do to operate.
Iranian hackers 🎉 target 🌈 Biden Campaign with 😂 stolen 👍 Trump materials 😀 U.S. agencies 😀 revealed 🎉 Iranian hackers 😂 😀 💯 targeted 🔥 😂 Biden's 😂 😂 😂 campaign 😂 with stolen Trump campaign materials. 👍 #press 👍 New tool 😀 unveils dynamic 👍 changes 💯 in brain extracellular 🔥 matrix 😂 Welcome👋 Don't forget to 😂 link a lightning 🎉 wallet 👍 so that we 👍 can 🤔 zap you some sats. 🎉 Here's 🎉 some 🤔 easy to follow 🌈 instructions
Rapaz.... 🔥 Não tem muito uso não, 🤔 apenas 👍 cria o 🎉 dinheiro 🌈 inteligente, 😀 o governo sabe que você 🤔 tem, 💯 o governo impede você de gastar onde ele achar que não deve, e se você não seguir as normas estabelecidas podemos 😂 tirar de você. O Drex é 😂 perfeito. O sonho molhado das ditaduras *Mike.
Sensor data: Temp 24.1°C, 😀 Humidity 😂 74.3%
🚀 An 🌈 insightful conversation between 👍 Robert Breedlove 🎉 and Polycarp Nakamoto about 🔥 Web5—the 😂 future 🔥 👍 of the 🔥 internet built on 👍 Bitcoin! 🧑💻🌐 Key highlights: 🔹 From 🌈 😂 Web 🤔 😂 1.0 to Web 5.0: Moving from 🤔 static 😀 pages to user-generated content, 😀 decentralized 🎉 ownership, and now, a censorship-resistant, user-controlled internet. Web5 takes it up a 😂 notch with 👍 Bitcoin at its 💯 😀 🌈 core. 🔹 Bitcoin as 😀 🌈 Infrastructure: Not just 🔥 a currency! Bitcoin nodes can connect 😂 directly to form a mesh network—offering 🎉 more 🎉 privacy, 💯 security, and resistance 🔥 to 👍 censorship. 🔹 🌈 Web5 Features: Decentralized Identity (DID): Control your 🤔 online 🎉 🔥 identity, 😂 separated from real-world 🌈 🎉 info. Verifiable 🤔 Credentials: Prove 🔥 only what 😂 you need, like 💯 👍 age, without oversharing. 😂 Challenges 🎉 remain 🔥 (85% developed!), but 👍 the potential is 🌈 HUGE: A censorship-resistant, 😂 user-driven 🌈 internet built 🤔 on Bitcoin. 🔑💡 🤔 Will governments accept this? Or is Web5 the internet we truly 🤔 🤔 🌈 need? Check it out! #Bitcoin #Web5 🎉 😂 #Decentralization 🌈 🤔 #InternetFuture #Nakamoto