The #PEPE and #NOSTRICH #RGB20 assets are only available on #nostr now .
The first million ( on 21 ) is airdrop .
We are in pre-trade period, meaning there's still no DEX or CEX or any utilitity to trade those assets .
But there will be , no doubt about that and even it sounds like scam or fomo or not cool here on Nostr, it will come and there will be some bad actors trying to get money out of everyone !
It would be very immature to think otherwise !
That's why i made those assets very early and I intend to distribute them while a lot of people is learning RGB tech on #bitcoin !
The more people have those assets, the more it will be decentralized !
don't hesitate to pm for now . I setup a list !
The NOSTRICH contract (linked in the BitMask Asset Registry) can be used?
The NOSTRICh contract linked in the BitMask Asset Registry can be used now?