Oddbean new post about | logout
 The community is top notch. No one is scared of saying what they truly think. I like the events, like the zapathons and hell threads. The memes are top notch. 
Stop by on Thursdays for half off 
 Stay humble and stack zaps 
 I’ve struggled to get much of any interactions. 
 Interesting. No word or interactions? One thing I've liked, using Amethyst, is the customizable emojis. They add depth to interactions, without needing to use words. 
 Without views, how can we tell if we are being throttled or not? 
 What client are you using? Amethyst shows views. I'm not sure about the others, as I do not use them.

Another thing to look into are the relays you are using.  
 I’m not finding any apps called “Amethyst” 
 Thanks, though I’m on an iPhone. 
 All my relays but two are red.  Does that mean I’ve been booted off of them for saying the wrong thing about a foreign government? 
 If only two relays are working, then you need to add new ones. 

I would also suggest getting a nip-05 address, to make it easier to find your profile.

 Thank you for the advice, unfortunately it’s so above my head, I’m unsure what to do next.  

Where can I get a list of relays?  What is a nip-5?  Why isn’t this all default? 
 Thanks for the link.  Bitcoin is one of the most traceable form of money around, why would I want to link my bank account to my social media?  The NIP-05 costs bitcoin, bitcoin that will easily be traced back to my brokerage that does KYC. 
 I’ve reviewed no interactions on the things I post.  I only ever get interactions by commenting on an active thread like this one.