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 Vaccines & masks have saved countless people but the FDA has killed more people with brainwashing and dangerous experimental vaccines that help keep the viruses in circulation  
 The proof that these viruses even exist in the first place is weak at best.

Most people believe it came from a bat, which cannot be found. Sounds a lot like the idea that aids came from some guy having sexual relations with an ape, equally fictitious.

A few people believe covid came from a lab leak in China (sold as the coverup for the reality).

The real psyop is that this was biological warfare developed by US agencies. The “vaccines” were all given to the companies that “developed” them, unless you believe they ALL came up with viable candidates within weeks of each other, mostly using the mRNA platform which has never been done before. That’s just absurd.

Prior to 2020, when everyone became an expert, it was well established that there was no good evidence for the effectiveness of masking in a community setting. It goes against all common sense. 6ft distancing was entirely made up.

The entire thing was a scam. And the people who continue to believe the official narratives surrounding it are some of the most dangerous people to society, because they are easily programmed retards with no logical, moral or ethical compass whatsoever. Drones of the establishment. 
 I think they tried to make a virus from bats. the Wuhan Institute of Virology was experimenting with coronavirus in bats.

I also think it just wasn't as bad as they intended, and they released it early to steal the election. Remember the footage of Chinese people falling over dead? It wasn't a bad enough virus, so the whole thing was largely made up.

A brand new virus, with the same symptoms as the flu, appears the same year that the fly mysteriously disappears and the government gives $40,000 per person that they diagnose with a PCR test, which shows as many false positives as you want.

I don't have to speculate too much about what happened. The truth is right there. 
 No speculation here either.

The 'virus' and all the measures taken were there to scare the living shit out of people in order for them to take the injections.

 is this real? recent scientific research concluded animal market origin (no lt artificially created) 
 It's real. I hope you didn't take too many, or you got saline. 
 I'm not convinced by you saying "it's real". Verified science has concluded it was not a lab leak (origin: wet market). No offence, but I tend to take scientifically backed arguments from experts (e.g. Marion Koopmans) more seriously than amateur interpretations of arbitrary documents circulating on the internet. 
 Did you not manage to find a 'fact check' which debunks the document, or is it just too big of a pill for you to swallow? I know personal incredulity is difficult for people who were entirely duped throughout this whole debacle. I didn't take any shots, I have nothing to worry about and nothing to lose or gain. Well, one thing I do have to gain is doing my bit to prevent another poor soul from taking any more shots, but you're free to believe whatever you like.

The same people who you believe when it comes to the origin, are the same people who told you the "vaccines" were totally safe and 100% effective. That's why all the contracts between the pharma companies were heavily redacted and why Pfizer tried to hide their trial data for over 50 years - because they were trying to be totally transparent.

Marion Koopmans worked with Peter Daszak and Fauci on the gain of function research, so one would have to be insane to believe a word that comes out of any of their mouths. This is like the police investigating themselves and finding no wrongdoing. Just laughable.

Here's is the source for the rest of the document, as well as acknowledgement of authenticity for you to ruminate over:

 Source: Twitter 🤡 
 Twitter is hosting the links to the sources, it is not the source. Your unwillingness to honestly engage in the subject matter itself, but attempting to try and discredit it instead, is a good example of how much cognitive dissonance you are putting up on display. Much like how you skipped over everything else I said. 
 Not sure why this is a reply to me saying:

Vaccines & masks have saved countless people but the FDA has killed more people with brainwashing and dangerous experimental vaccines that help keep the viruses in circulation