Oddbean new post about | logout
 Love to see it. 
 That’s Awesome 🤩…. You’re an inspiration to the rest of us to get onto a bitcoin standard. 
 The suffering will continue until you adopt 🔥 #bitcoin and exit 👍 their 💯 system 😀 https://m.primal.net/Kvxq.jpg 
 The suffering will continue until you adopt 🔥 #bitcoin and exit 👍 their 💯 system 😀 https://m.primal.net/Kvxq.jpg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Watch: Nancy 💯 Pelosi Falsely Claims Kamala ‘Won Open Primary’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-nancy-pelosi-falsely-claims-kamala-won-open-primary/ #Zap to support, DM to suggest new 🌈 feeds. 
 ​Detidos membros 👍 🤔 de gangue suspeitos de 🔥 tentativas 🤔 de homicídio 🎉 na 🔥 Amadora 😂 Jovens, com idades entre 🔥 🔥 os 17 e os 💯 🔥 😀 19 🎉 de anos, estão “fortemente indiciados 💯 pela prática de cinco crimes de 😀 homicídio qualificado na forma 🎉 tentada", indica a Judiciária. Ficaram em prisão preventiva. 😀 https://images.newrr.sapo.pt/policia_judiciaria_pj_foto_lusa1329c3d6_base.jpg https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/pais/2024/09/20/detidos-membros-de-gangue-suspeitos-de-tentativas-de-homicidio-na-amadora/394487/?utm_medium=rss 👍 
 hahahahah 😀 👍 
 Acho 🤔 q depende dos relays etc. como 🔥 usa relays diferentes 👍 dependerá para quais vc conectou etc. e 🌈 aí vai variar 
 目が覚めちゃった 😀 
 Incredible listen while 🌈 on 🔥 the grind. 
 なるほろ #pom ------------ 日銀 利上げ視野も 植田総裁“米経済先行きなど慎重に見極め” - https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240921/k10014587601000.html 💯 
 BREAKING: Biden Administration is preparing $375 million 💯 military package 🤔 for Ukraine 
 明日9時くらいには起きたい 🔥 
 With this 🤔 badge #HiveTalk is now 🤔 💯 a verified "Legit" Nostr 🌈 Client 😀 https://image.nostr.build/31a49aeba6202300dc507cae23f9d07b2656a2423d08dc2daf9be0c0f8ea42cb.png 🎉 
 How about the vegan diet? 
 9月18日,一位生活在深圳的日本孩子在上学途中遭遇袭击,不治身亡。🕯 💯 https://t.co/Zcci8jnTSE https://t.co/rEgmEPtYLh https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GX8fcucWsAATO3g.jpg 🤔 😀 
 Store manager runs down a 😂 man with her 🔥 💯 car for stealing merchandise https://t.co/VaabowDM8v 🤔 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1837190032131526656/pu/vid/avc1/720x894/SpgJzWIohgHjiC1S.mp4?tag=12 🔥 relay.primal.net 
 目が覚めちゃった 🎉 🎉 😀 relay.primal.net 😂 🎉 
 Day 123 of #100pushups until #Bitcoin hits $100k. 50x2 Reading 👍 literature teleports you into 😂 the minds of great authors. Authors who were actual living 🤔 human beings; they might be long gone, 💯 but 👍 their 🌈 words and ideas still 🌈 remain. When 👍 reading Aristotle, he is having a one-way conversation with you thousands of years after his death. It’s 💯 time 🎉 travel. 
 Always excited to get my shipment from Heart & Soil. Anyone else using these to get more organ meat in? #Beef #Organs #Heart&Soil #CarnivoreDiet https://image.nostr.build/2ff95a90a40f427a3b008a43ea2aaaea1b561d3ca83639869e1b1c36d3942b86.jpg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 We should 🌈 let miners 🌈 slowly recycle UTXOs 😂 from 128 years 🌈 ago. Otherwise we need 🤔 to 🔥 increase 👍 the 🔥 divisibility 👍 of sats 🤔 as 🤔 the amount of 🤔 not 🤔 lost sats trend 😂 towards 🔥 🌈 👍 zero. 😀 
 Day 🔥 123 💯 of #100pushups 💯 until 😂 #Bitcoin 🎉 🎉 hits $100k. 💯 50x2 Reading literature 🌈 🤔 teleports you into 🌈 the 🎉 minds 😂 🤔 of great authors. Authors 💯 who were 🔥 actual living 🎉 human 😀 🌈 beings; they 🌈 might be 🔥 long gone, 💯 but 🤔 their 🤔 words 👍 🎉 and ideas 👍 still remain. When reading Aristotle, 🌈 he 💯 is 😂 having 🌈 a 🌈 one-way conversation 🌈 with you 👍 thousands 😀 of years after 🤔 👍 his death. It’s time 😀 travel. 👍 relay.primal.net 
 I don't see people talking 😀 enough about Weimar 😀 conditions here. 😀 Great 🤔 vibes and good content, just 🌈 oblivious 🔥 about what is to come. Should I? 👍 🤔 😅 💯 🌈 
 Thanks Michael🙏🏻. 
 黒にんにくを食べた 🔥 
 In your dreams! 👍 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 😀 🔥 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 🤔 
 Thanks Michael🙏🏻. 
 A one.