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 i wonder what the worlds most efficient language is, on a tone to meaning ratio? 
 Can internet memes count as a language?  I'd vote for it. I think memes score high in both categories 
 ai says mandarin. cause tonal shift meanings. 

but specified a Papua New Guinea language for having only 11 phonemes. i wonder what it sounds like? “papamamabubukeke”? 
 memes are definitely a language 
 interesting question!

thinking back on student days, one point of clarification to the question might be: poetic meaning or philosophic meaning?  

for instance—if i recall correctly—if poetic or rhetorical meaning is the focus, classical latin may be a contender as words can carry multiple meanings by means of context in a sentence and by declension. latin has a smaller vocabulary than attic greek, so words have more associations, and masters of the language get precision through grammar and association.

alternatively, attic greek is more precise and perhaps more meaningful than latin philosophically, as words can conjoin themselves in novel ways (kind of like german) to make new or more well-defined concepts.

it’s been years since i studied this stuff, so please feel free to correct my misunderstandings 
 i dont know enough to correct anyone. plus that’s boring.
weird ideas and questions just fly past and punch me. 
 lol that’s a great image 
 besides, someone out there would love to correct me, so figured i’d throw out an invitation to do so 
 i see the correction platoon coming over the hill 

 😂 “Cunningham's Law states ‘the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer.’” 😅

 Os and 1s go a long way 
 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101111