Oddbean new post about | logout
 Very true. You guys did well. I love the in person. 
 It’s honestly such a better experience all around doing it in person (host/guest/listeners)… going to try to do more like this when possible. Hopefully will be able to make it happen. 
 It had a very smooth vibe. I know that it’s hard to pull off but definitely worth it when you can. 
 Australian 😂 Labor government opening the door 🎉 for right-wing Coalition 🌈 victory #australian 🌈 #election 🌈 https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/09/17/tefx-s17.html 
 这个杯子就是和我有缘 ​余生请多关照哈[悠闲] 😂 😂 https://image.nostr.build/164c9aa566e29bfa389bc865900b49d1a23890b61aad4e3e50af94231cefda70.jpg 
 It always looks like 🎉 diarrhea and 😀 vomit… IMG_6541.jpeg 🎉 https://fsebugoutzone.org/media/8eda7370-f084-4bbc-b93e-d9145ccf5a14/IMG_6541.jpeg?name=IMG_6541.jpeg 🤔 
 Also do appreciate Whitney 💯 🎉 Webb, 🤔 🔥 😀 but the 🤔 amount of 🎉 👍 black pilling…! 🤔 🔥 😂 🎉 nostr:note1c4vrxpuynqpl787a4nv7fumlxvttumavn5fvyklce7xww5w3xxdqyfyfgt 
 theoretically this will now be on a 🤔 relay somewhere indefinitely. how 😀 is DMCA 👍 going to work 👍 in nostr? say 👍 the copyright 👍 owner wanted this taken down. this isn't something that can be deleted, 💯 correct? 
 夫妻三观不一是致命的,然而要找到三观一致的ta又是那么困难。所以,解决方案应该是尽量降低离婚成本,让双方的婚姻自由能够最大限度的实现。降低离婚成本自然有其负面影响,这不仅需要社会制度的支持(财产分配、财务支持、心理援助等),更重要的是需要思想支持:从小就教育孩子他是自由的,没有任何社会关系可以束缚ta,ta也不能以社会关系去束缚他人;从小就教育ta结合前必须就贞操、头婚、忠诚等不可逆损失谈好价码。 总之,第一位的是自由,自由才可能到达幸福,其他的都不过是实现自由的工具或者路径。 
 A Radical Way To 🤔 Change The 🤔 UN Security 🔥 Council, 🌈 Including Its Name #security #united https://popularresistance.org/a-radical-way-to-change-the-un-security-council-including-its-name/ 
 Been falling in love with strats again. 😂 Want this 😂 😍 https://i.nostr.build/6HXzkyG7Ozs50IDL.jpg 
 Been falling in love with strats again. Want this 😍 https://i.nostr.build/6HXzkyG7Ozs50IDL.jpg 👍 
 theoretically 🔥 this will 😂 now be on a 😂 relay somewhere indefinitely. how is DMCA 🌈 going to 💯 work in nostr? say 😂 the copyright owner wanted this taken down. this isn't something that can be deleted, 🔥 correct? 
 It should be any 👍 bible because it's 🔥 supposed to be the word 👍 of god accordingly to abrahamists but I get it you guys 🌈 have 🎉 1000 interpretations 🔥 for every word of god can't even decide who is the jew who is the white and so on... but all bibles are clear 😀 on this; 💯 Only Noah 🔥 was left and those with him in the 😂 fucking ark, 🤔 so yes everything from there is a product of 🤔 incest from his 3 sons with their grandsons and so on. Including the animals it's mind 😀 blowing. https://biblia.com/bible/esv/genesis/7/23?ssi=0 https://image.nostr.build/b087312c3c0b248a5ce1e978c854c7acc61bdf37c1782490ddf54e858e983402.jpg 🔥 https://image.nostr.build/bab374f80f8c164d93e06e5620cb42858002520f26593444c7c46db1b56cec37.jpg 
 I'm 🌈 not 💯 sure what 💯 you're referring to, abandoning ship that's why updates were made? 
 Don’t 👍 buy shit 🤔 from Mr 🔥 beast… 
 Aguardando a bem-aventurada 💯 esperanca e o aparecimento da gloria do 😀 grande Deus e nosso 🤔 Senhor Jesus Cristo; #Aguardando #a #bem-aventurada #esperanca 🤔 #e #o #aparecimento #da #gloria #do 😂 #grande 🔥 #Deus 🌈 #e 🎉 #nosso #Senhor #Jesus #Cristo; Esperando 🎉 la esperanza bienaventurada y la manifestacin de la gloria del gran Dios 🌈 y Seor nuestro Jesucristo; #Esperando 💯 #la #esperanza #bienaventurada #y 😀 #la #manifestacin #de #la #gloria #del #gran #Dios #y #Seor #nuestro #Jesucristo; En attendant la bienheureuse 🎉 esprance 🌈 et 🤔 l'apparition de la gloire 😀 du 🔥 grand Dieu et 🔥 de notre Seigneur Jsus-Christ ; 👍 #En #attendant #la #bienheureuse #esprance #et #l'apparition #de #la #gloire #du #grand #Dieu #et #de #notre 😂 #Seigneur #Jsus-Christ #; Aspettando la beata speranza e l'apparizione della gloria del grande Dio e 😀 nostro Signore Ges 😀 Cristo; #Aspettando #la #beata #speranza #e #l'apparizione #della #gloria #del #grande #Dio #e #nostro #Signore 🌈 #Ges #Cristo; Looking 😂 for 🎉 that blessed hope, and the 👍 glorious 💯 appearing of 🎉 the great 🌈 God and our Lord Jesus Christ: 🌈 #Looking 🔥 #for #that #blessed #hope, #and #the #glorious 🎉 #appearing #of #the #great #God #and #our #Lord #Jesus #Christ: Warten auf die selige Hoffnung 🤔 und das 💯 Erscheinen der Herrlichkeit des groen Gottes 🌈 und unseres Herrn Jesus Christus; #Warten #auf #die #selige 🎉 #Hoffnung #und #das 🔥 #Erscheinen #der #Herrlichkeit #des #groen 🤔 #Gottes #und #unseres #Herrn #Jesus #Christus; tukilitazamia tumaini lenye 🎉 baraka na 🤔 mafunuo ya utukufu wa 🔥 Mungu mkuu na Bwana wetu Yesu 🌈 Kristo; #tukilitazamia #tumaini #lenye #baraka #na #mafunuo #ya #utukufu 🎉 #wa #Mungu #mkuu #na #Bwana #wetu #Yesu #Kristo; Menantikan pengharapan penuh berkah dan penampakan kemuliaan 💯 Allah Yang Maha Besar dan 🎉 Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus; #Menantikan #pengharapan #penuh #berkah #dan 💯 #penampakan #kemuliaan #Allah #Yang #Maha #Besar #dan 😀 #Tuhan 💯 #kita #Yesus #Kristus; nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 这个杯子就是和我有缘 ​余生请多关照哈[悠闲] https://image.nostr.build/164c9aa566e29bfa389bc865900b49d1a23890b61aad4e3e50af94231cefda70.jpg 😀 
 🏦 😀 Total penalties for bank fraud since 2000: $389,345,231,111❗️ But of course, Bitcoin is for 👍 criminals, 🎉 right? 🤔 #Bitcoin #Crypto #BankFraud #Finance 🌈 #Blockchain 😂 https://m.primal.net/KtSA.jpg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 GMคร้าบบ🫡🫡 💯 
 E enviei-lhes mensageiros 🎉 a dizer: Faco uma grande obra, de modo 🌈 que nao poderei 😀 descer; por 👍 que 😀 cessaria 🌈 esta obra, enquanto 🌈 eu a deixasse, e fosse ter convosco? #E 🌈 #enviei-lhes 🤔 #mensageiros 🤔 #a #dizer: 🎉 #Faco #uma #grande #obra, #de 😂 #modo #que #nao #poderei 😀 #descer; #por #que 💯 #cessaria 👍 #esta 💯 #obra, 🌈 #enquanto #eu #a #deixasse, #e #fosse 🔥 #ter #convosco? Y les envi mensajeros, diciendo: Estoy 👍 haciendo una gran obra, de modo que no puedo bajar; Por qu debera 🎉 cesar esta 🔥 obra 🌈 mientras yo la dejo y vengo a vosotros? #Y #les #envi #mensajeros, #diciendo: #Estoy 👍 #haciendo #una #gran #obra, #de #modo #que #no #puedo #bajar; #Por #qu #debera #cesar #esta 😂 #obra #mientras #yo 😂 #la 🤔 #dejo #y #vengo #a 🌈 #vosotros? Et je leur envoyai 🔥 des messagers, disant 🌈 : Je fais un grand 👍 travail, de sorte que je ne peux pas 🌈 descendre ; Pourquoi ce travail devrait-il cesser pendant que je le quitte et que je 🎉 viens vers vous 🎉 ? 🤔 #Et #je #leur 🤔 #envoyai #des #messagers, #disant 😀 #: #Je #fais 🌈 #un #grand 😂 #travail, #de #sorte #que 🔥 #je #ne #peux #pas #descendre 😂 #; #Pourquoi #ce #travail #devrait-il #cesser 😀 #pendant #que #je #le #quitte #et #que #je #viens #vers #vous #? 🌈 E mandai loro dei messaggeri dicendo: Sto facendo una grande 👍 opera, tanto 😀 che non 🔥 posso scendere; Perch questo lavoro dovrebbe cessare mentre io lo lascio e 😀 vengo da te? #E #mandai #loro #dei 😂 #messaggeri 😂 #dicendo: 🌈 #Sto 😀 #facendo #una #grande #opera, #tanto #che #non #posso #scendere; #Perch #questo #lavoro #dovrebbe #cessare #mentre #io #lo #lascio 😀 #e #vengo #da #te? And I sent 😀 messengers unto them, 👍 saying, I am doing a great work, so that I 😀 cannot come down: why 😂 should the 💯 work cease, while I leave it, and come to you? 🌈 #And #I #sent #messengers #unto #them, 🎉 #saying, #I #am 💯 #doing #a 😀 #great #work, #so #that #I 💯 #cannot #come #down: #why 😂 #should #the #work #cease, #while #I 🤔 #leave #it, #and #come #to #you? 🤔 Und ich sandte Boten zu 🌈 ihnen und lie ihnen sagen: 😂 Ich tue ein groes Werk, sodass 🤔 ich nicht herunterkommen kann; Warum sollte diese Arbeit 😂 aufhren, whrend 😀 ich sie verlasse und 🌈 zu 👍 dir komme? #Und #ich #sandte #Boten #zu 👍 #ihnen #und #lie #ihnen 🎉 #sagen: #Ich #tue #ein 🔥 #groes 😂 #Werk, #sodass #ich #nicht #herunterkommen #kann; #Warum 💯 #sollte #diese #Arbeit #aufhren, #whrend 🤔 #ich #sie #verlasse #und 🎉 #zu 😀 #dir 🔥 #komme? Nami 💯 nikatuma 😀 wajumbe kwao, nikasema, Ninafanya kazi kubwa, hata siwezi kushuka; Kwa nini kazi hii 🎉 ikome nikiiacha na 💯 kuja kwenu? 💯 #Nami #nikatuma #wajumbe 💯 #kwao, #nikasema, #Ninafanya #kazi 💯 #kubwa, #hata #siwezi #kushuka; #Kwa #nini #kazi #hii #ikome #nikiiacha #na #kuja #kwenu? Dan 🔥 aku 🌈 mengirim 😀 utusan kepada mereka, mengatakan: Aku sedang melakukan 🔥 pekerjaan 😂 besar, sehingga aku tidak bisa 🔥 turun; Mengapa pekerjaan ini harus berhenti sementara aku meninggalkannya 🎉 dan datang kepadamu? 😀 #Dan #aku #mengirim #utusan #kepada #mereka, #mengatakan: #Aku #sedang 🔥 #melakukan 🤔 #pekerjaan #besar, 🔥 #sehingga 😂 #aku #tidak #bisa #turun; #Mengapa #pekerjaan #ini #harus #berhenti #sementara #aku #meninggalkannya #dan #datang #kepadamu?