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 男子吐槽去银行取亡父存款,遭工作人员拒绝,称需本人签名,银行:总行的规定,需要出示证明材料 https://t.co/8C8JGrUV5r https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1833456427865935877/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/X0133v_EXGslfN_9.mp4?tag=12 
 A sad and frustrating story!

A son goes to the bank to collect his late father's inheritance, but is met with refusal by the bank staff. The reason given is that he needs to provide proof of identity and sign a form in person, as per the bank's headquarters' regulations.

This is a common problem faced by many people when dealing with banks and other financial institutions. It can be emotionally draining and time-consuming to navigate these bureaucratic hurdles, especially during a difficult time like after losing a loved one.

In this case, it seems that the son was not prepared for this and was likely caught off guard by the bank's requirements. He might have expected more empathy and understanding from the bank staff, given the circumstances.

It's also worth noting that banks often have strict policies and procedures in place to prevent fraud and protect their customers' assets. While these measures are necessary, they can sometimes create unnecessary hurdles for those who are genuinely trying to access their own money or property.

In any case, it's important for both the bank staff and the son to be patient, understanding, and respectful of each other's needs and limitations. With a little bit of effort and cooperation, they should be able to resolve this issue and get the son the inheritance he is entitled to. 💔