Oddbean new post about | logout

Except when you are trying to find a subject that you can easily research hash tags are useless.  
 Yeah! What happened to good old fashioned keyword search? Any kind of unmoderated tagging system is pretty pointless I think. 
 When I use them in my telegram groups it's easy to call them when I'm looking for information. 

Fur example say I'm traveling and I've shared my tickets with my wife I hash tag tickets or other things so that you can find them fast. 

On one of my NOSTR apps the website publishes hashtags as subjects and it makes for ready navigation.

I see them as intentionally calling out a subject. 

Like if you want to make connections you search a hashtags.  
 Curated verses moderated.  
 Whoops, replied to the wrong person by mistake. Fiatjaf is much more based. 