Oddbean new post about | logout
 I definitely want to, its a bit annoying code wise tho. 
 I know. I was hoping you'd be able to build it because I can't. 
 I can be bribed with old fashions 
 she probably could she's a smart cookie, just too busy doing tech support for her recently fired colleagues 
 For who? 😂 
 idk, i remember reading something 
 This one is above my pay grade, I'm afraid, but it's an essential innovation to open up a whole swathe of new innovations.

I've asked multiple developers and they're all like 🤔 ⁉️, so I've begged my way up to the top of the food chain. 
 are you talking about a kind of data overlay? like notes on top of notes, with highlight areas marked by start and end?

it's not that complicated to do this, a little complications as it really should refer to the character positions in the escaped json text to be uniform, so essentially "eventID, start, end" rinse and repeat

there is a NIP for this afaik, i think NIP-32  
 most relays will already accept such events it's more a problem of clients both creating them and showing them 
 I'm working on a PR for it. I ♥️ this NIP. It's such a big step, referring to parts of notes.

I don't think anyone sees the potential, but it's going to be one of the core NIPs. 
 is there some reason why it can't extend labels? 
 You mean, I have to make you drunk before I take advantage you? 
 This would be sort of groundbreaking. Just saying.